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Governance and Risk Management

Governance and Risk Management

We have developed a system of environmental management promotion for the purpose of strengthening our environmental management and promoting effective environmental activities in Hitachi High-Tech Group as a whole.

The Environmental Committee strengthens the Group’s governance in environmental field and shares information by formulating strategy for the environmental field in general as well as taking steps to minimize environmental risks and risks related to chemical substances contained in products. We are also building the organizational structure to implement more finely-grained administration of our environmental activities as a whole.
Under this committee, we have established two subcommittees. The first is the Environmental Strategy Promotion Subcommittee, which consists of managers who directly promote environmental activities at domestic manufacturing, service, sales sites, and environmental managers. The other is the Global Environment Sales Subcommittee, which consists of members appointed from each site involved in activities to reduce the risk of chemical substances contained in products in commercial transactions.
The Chair of Environmental Committee is the senior executive who is responsible for environmental management. The Chair makes decisions on topics with certain impact on our business and ones which need to be discussed from the perspective of internal control. The Chair then reports these to the Internal Control Supervisory Committee. Other duties include identifying climate change risks that affect business operations and addressing those risks on the basis of risk assessment by classifying each risk as either a prioritized issue or continuous monitoring one.

Contributing to a Sustainable Global Environment is one of the materiality issues for the Group. We formulate proposals and plans for policies and specific plans for (1) Realize a decarbonized society, (2) Realize a recycling-oriented society, and (3) Realize a society in harmony with nature. To achieve those, we evaluate performance from each site and use the findings for further contributions. In addition, important matters relating to environmental strategy are discussed by the Sustainability Promotion Committee, which is chaired by the President and has directors and executive officers on its members.


*1 President and Representative Director: The President and Representative Director serves as Chair of the Sustainability Promotion Committee. Senior management are the committee’s members and have the duty of promoting activities related to sustainability, including climate-related matters.

*2 CRO: The Chief Risk Management Officer (CRO) is the company-wide risk manager as well as the Chair of the Internal Control Supervisory Committee, who is responsible for minimizing operating risks, including environmental risks, and for establishing an emergency response system.