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Hitachi High-Tech

"Experience Microscopes! The Living Micro-World" at RIKEN Yokohama campus

RIKEN Yokohama Campus

We helped out as operation and guidance staff in the Tabletop Electron Microscope corner at "Experience Microscopes! The Living Micro-World", the public event held on September 10th by RIKEN Yokohama campus.

This public event allowed a look at the usually unseen research facilities while RIKEN's accomplishments and latest results were introduced.

At the event, students, children and their parents carried out actual observations of plants and flowers on various kinds of equipment, including both optical microscope and TM3030.

Each participant observed with interest the difference between the shapes of various kinds of floral pollen and the size of the starchy particle of potato, Chinese yam and chestnut. It was also possible to see calcium hydrobromic needles in the Chinese yam which are a cause of itching. Participants raised their voices in surprise.

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