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Hitachi High-Tech

Hitachi High-Tech Shanghai Hold Online Science Classes at Japan School in Shanghai

Shanghai Japanese school, Shanghai

Hitachi High-Tech Shanghai held science classes for elementary and junior high school students (13 classes, 330 students) of the Japan school in Shanghai on Wednesday, November 24.

Due to strict COVID-19 prevention measures, visitors from outside schools are strictly forbidden. However, there was a strong request from teachers who wanted their classes to experience Hitachi High-Tech’s rich science programme even under such conditions, and so classes were held online.

For these classes, teachers were invited to visit the Hitachi High-Tech Science Park laboratory, in Shanghai, run by Hitachi High-Tech Science Solutions, where they could operate a TM4000 microscope. In this way, students could not only watch our presentations, but could also see their own teachers controlling the microscope.

Although the Online format was sometimes challenging, in the post-class surveys, participants commented on how their understanding of science had increased, how they wanted to explore further and how interesting the lesson was as they could experience things they could not usually see in their everyday lives.

Despite the many restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Hitachi High-Tech feel strongly that we should continue such online lessons to increase children’s interest in science.

Introductions at the Entrance to Hitachi High-Tech Science Park Shanghai Lab
Introductions at the Entrance to Hitachi High-Tech Science Park Shanghai Lab

Live video from the lab was streamed for the lesson
Live video from the lab was streamed for the lesson

The lesson was carried out online using Teams
The lesson was carried out online using Teams

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