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Spectrophotometers (UV-Vis/NIR, FL)

Hitachi offers a full range of high quality UV-Visible/NIR and Fluorescence spectrophotometers from teaching and routine instruments to research-grade systems.

Ratio Beam Spectrophotometer U-5100

Ratio Beam Spectrophotometer U-5100

The Model U-5100 delivers a compact, lightweight package with remarkable power savings and a long life for its light source. The U-5100 incorporates every aspect of the technological features of Hitachi's reliability-proven spectrophotometers while achieving our ultimate goal to create a spectrophotometer that is ECO-FRIENDLY & CLEAN and provides SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE.

Double Beam Spectrophotometer UH5300

Double Beam Spectrophotometer UH5300

The technology for spectrophotometers continues to advance.... Hitachi designs spectrophotometers encompassing technologies for the future.

Double Beam Spectrophotometer U-2900/2910

Double Beam Spectrophotometer U-2900/2910

An easy-to-see large color liquid crystal display facilitates basic research, providing usability and reliability. Measurement data can be managed easily and European pharmacopeia standards are met.(U-2910 is a PC controlled system)

Spectrophotometer U-3900/3900H

Spectrophotometer U-3900/3900H

The Successor of U-3010/3310 Spectrophotometer has finally made its debut! Weight reduction of the system has been achieved while maintaining its stable performance. A special control software has added new functions to the measurement procedure and data analysis, allowing the target data to be obtained in a shorter time.

UV-Visible/NIR Spectrophotometer UH5700

UV-Visible/NIR Spectrophotometer UH5700

Opening the way to the future, the UH5700, the spectroscopy specialist, handles the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared regions and strongly supports you.

UV-Visible/NIR Spectrophotometer UH4150

UV-Visible/NIR Spectrophotometer UH4150

Model U-4100, the expert in solid-phase spectrophotometry, has advanced even more. Now, Model UH4150 has emerged inheriting the reliability of the U-4100 Spectrophotometer, which boasts the total number of shipments more than 1,500*1 units. *1: Models U-4000 and U-4100 as of October 2012.

Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-7000

Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-7000

Achieves wavelength scanning with sensitivity and ultra high-speed at the highest level of the class! Ultra high-speed scanning has made possible three-dimensional time change measurement, capable of following time-dependent changes of the spectrum. The system’s wide dynamic range shows its power in the measurement of a fluorescent solid quantum yield, as well as in the measurement of phosphorescence.


Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-7100

F-7100 is the evolution of the robust and reliable F-7000 with the latest optical technology and improved analytical performance.

Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-2700

Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-2700

The operation panel can be standard installed, and F-2700 be used by the Stand-alone. The space of PC can be reduced.

EEM® View

EEM® View -CMOS camera imaging system for Fluorescence Spectrophotometer-

EEM View is a completely new concept system in the world which delivers fluorescence, reflection spectra and these images simultaneously. To make it possible, AI technology is applied to analyze data with a special algorithm.


Multivariate analysis software 3D SpectAlyze

3D SpectAlyze is a multivariate analysis software specialized for various analytical data including fluorescent fingerprint.

Diffraction Grating

Diffraction Grating

Hitachi diffraction gratings are adopted in a wide range of scientific and industrial fields, e.g. large spectrograph for photobiological research and Spectrophotometers for extreme ultraviolet explorer. *These gratings are available in North America and Europe.

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