Tabletop Microscopes
Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) featuring improved electron optics, higher magnification, and built-in image processing to further enhance image quality and resolution

Tabletop Microscopes TM4000PlusIII/TM4000III
The TM4000PlusIII/TM4000III is the newest addition to a lineup of microscopes that have sold over 5,800 units worldwide.
Our newest updates bring improvements to users at the forefront of R&D, quality control, and education.

Tabletop Microscopes TM4000II / TM4000Plus II
Newly released TM4000 II series provide 20kV accelerating voltage and also allow wide area of SEM observation by adding Multi Zigzag function (Option) Tabletop Micro scope offers further enhanced observation and analysis application world.

TM Series Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer: Quantax75
Quantax75 is an advanced EDX system produced by Bruker nano GmbH featuring Hypermap and live deconvolution functions.

TM Series Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer: Element series
Element series are EDX systems produced by EDAX Instruments. Si3N4 window SDD enhances the mapping speed and detection limits.

TM Series Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometers: AZtec Series
AZtec series are EDX systems produced by Oxford Instruments. There are 3 versions ; basic AZtecOneXplore, advanced AZtecLiveOneXplore and multifunctional AZtecLiveLite

3D Visualization Software Hitachi map 3D
3-dimensional model can be generated for height and roughness measurement using signals from quadrant BSE detector.
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