XRF Analysis
High-speed, High-sensitivity X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analyzers

X-ray Particle Contaminant Analyzer EA8000A
The EA8000A enables rapid detection and elemental identification of metal particles approximately 20 um in diameter. Typical applications include: contamination analysis of electrode plates of fuel cells and lithium ion rechargeable batteries.

XRF Analyzer EA1400
For customers in such variety of application fields as process and quality control of cement or slags, failure analysis of abnormal spot, and inspection of foreign matter as well as RoHS inspection, the EA1400 delivers on reducing measurement time, simplifying the management of measurement results, reducing operational mistakes, and improving efficiency.

XRF Analyzer EA1000AIII
The EA1000AIII achieves better throughout by shortening the measurement time by 1/3 compared with our previous model. The entry model for RoHS application.

X-MET8000 range of handheld XRF analyzers
The X-MET8000 range of handheld X-ray fluorescence (HHXRF) analyzers delivers the performance needed for rapid alloy grade identification and accurate chemistry of a wide variety of materials (solid and powder metals, polymers, wood, solutions, soil, ores, minerals etc).

X-STRATA benchtop microspot XRF analyzer
The X-Strata920 offers a high-tech solution to a wide range of challenges related to coating thickness and materials analysis. The X-Strata920 offers the best accuracy in its class by integrating a micro-focus X-ray tube and a large-area proportional detector.

LAB-X5000 benchtop XRF elemental analyzer
XRF analysis (X-ray fluorescence) with the highly flexible and powerful energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer for quality assurance and process control requirements across a diverse range of applications.

X-Supreme8000 benchtop XRF elemental analyzer
XRF analysis (X-ray fluorescence) with the highly flexible and powerful energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer for quality assurance and process control requirements across a diverse range of applications.