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  5. Summary of FY2022 Environmental Activities and Environmental Action Plan for FY2022-2024

Summary of FY2022 Environmental Activities and Environmental Action Plan for FY2022-2024

The Environmental Action Plan is made up of implementation headings that apply in common to the Hitachi Group. The Hitachi High-Tech Group has added its own action headings to that plan and is promoting them.

The plan results for FY2022 and the plan for FY 2022-2024 are as shown below.

Summary of FY2022 Environmental Activities


Strengthen Management System

Activity Targets Activities for Promotion FY2022
Targets Results Evaluation
Strengthen global environmental management Improvement in management quality based on reciprocal environmental audits and audits of chemical substances contained in products 18 sites 18 sites
Strengthen compliance by small and medium-sized business establishments

Decarbonized Society

Contribution by Products and Services

Activity Targets Activities for Promotion FY2022
Targets Results Evaluation
Reduction in CO2 emissions by products and services Reduction in CO2 emissions by environmentally conscious design during product development
(base fiscal year: FY2010)
Amount reduced
71,287 t-CO2 or more
Amount reduced
55,763 t-CO2
Raise rate of reduction of CO2 emissions by products
(base fiscal year: FY2010)
35.8% or more 34.8% X
Reduction in total CO2 emissions by products and services
(base fiscal year: FY2010)
537,895 t-CO2 or less
671,584t-CO2 -*
Implementation of environmentally conscious design assessments Conduct environmentally conscious design assessments
(assessments conducted during the year/assessments subjected to during the year)
*Includes conducting LCA evaluations
(All target models)
(All target models)

* For those items with a hyphen ( - ), the results are determined only as monitoring items.

Contributions from Factories and Offices

Activity Targets Activity for Promotion FY2022
Targets Results Evaluation
Reduction in CO2 emissions by business establishments Reduction of CO2 emissions Total emissions
30,759 t-CO2 or less
Total emissions
27,440 t-CO2
[Unique to Hitachi High-Tech Group] Improve rate of introduction of renewable energy, etc. 26.9% or more 26.8% -*
Switch to electric power for vehicles Consider introducing electric vehicles (EV) when replacing vehicles Monitor number of electric vehicles -*
Reduction of CO2 in transportation Grasp transportation energy per unit in nominal production Monitor transportation energy per unit -*

* For those items with a hyphen ( - ), the results are determined only as monitoring items.

Recycling-Oriented Society

Creation of a Resource-Recycling Oriented Society

Activity Targets Activities for Promotion FY2022
Targets Results Evaluation
Improvement of efficiency in the use of resources Improvement of waste generation per unit (compared to FY2010) 35.1% or more 38.9%
Improvement of rate of effective use of plastic waste 98.7% or more 99.0%
Transition to circular economy Reduce use of virgin materials and create resource recycling businesses by promoting "5 R's*" ・Monitor proportion of use by recycled material in products
・Monitor proportion of products that give consideration to improved efficiency in use of resources during design
Reduction in waste material Reduction of rate of landfill disposal of waste 0.13% or less 0.10% -*2

*1 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair, Rethink

*2 For those items with a hyphen ( - ), the results are determined only as monitoring items.

Creation of a Water-Recycling Oriented Society

Activity Targets Activities for Promotion FY2022
Targets Results Evaluation
Improvement of efficiency in the use of water Improvement of water consumption per unit (compared to FY2010) 49.0% or more 61.9%

Society in Harmony with Nature

Management of Chemical Substances

Activity Targets Activities for Promotion FY2022
Targets Results Evaluation
Reduction in emissions of chemical substances Reduction in atmospheric emissions of chemical substances per unit (compared to FY2010) 59.8% or more 67.8%

Ecosystem Conservation

Activity Targets Activities for Promotion FY2022
Targets Results Evaluation
Contribution to ecosystem conservation Promotion of activities contributing to positive impact Number of activities implemented
Number of activities implemented

* For those items with a hyphen ( - ), the results are determined only as monitoring items.

Environmental Action Plan for FY2022-2024


Strengthen Management System

Activity Targets Activities for Promotion FY2022 Targets FY2023 Targets FY2024 Targets
Strengthen global environmental management Improvement in management quality based on reciprocal environmental audits and audits of chemical substances contained in products 18 sites
In Japan: 13 sites
Overseas: 5 sites
[Legal compliance audit]
27 sites
In Japan: 6 sites
Overseas: 3 sites
[EMS audit]
45 sites
In Japan: 13 sites
Overseas: 5 sites
[Legal compliance audit]
Strengthen compliance by small and medium-sized business establishments

Decarbonized Society

Contribution by Products and Services

Activity Targets Activities for Promotion FY2022 Targets FY2023 Targets FY2024 Targets
Reduction in CO2 emissions by products and services Reduction in CO2 emissions by environmentally conscious design during product development
(base fiscal year: 2010)
Amount reduced
71,287 t-CO2 or more
Amount reduced
29,083 t-CO2 or more
Amount reduced
99,366 t-CO2 or more
Raise rate of reduction of CO2 emissions by products
(base fiscal year: FY2010)
35.8% or more 39.0% or more 42.3% or more
Reduction in total CO2 emissions by products and services
(base fiscal year: FY2010)
537,895 t-CO2 or less
670,523 t-CO2 or less
429,632 t-CO2 or less
Implementation of environmentally conscious design assessments Implementation of environmentally conscious design assessments
(assessments conducted during the year/assessments subjected to during the year)
*Includes conducting LCA evaluations
(All target models)
(All target models)
(All target models)

Contributions by Factories and Offices

Activity Targets Activities for Promotion FY2022 Targets FY2023 Targets FY2024 Targets
Reduction in CO2 emissions by business establishments Reduction in total CO2 emissions Emissions
30,759 t-CO2 or less
30,906 t-CO2 or less
18,570 t-CO2 or less
[Unique to Hitachi High-Tech Group] Improve rate of introduction of renewable energy, etc. 26.9% or more 27.2% or more 60.1% or more
Switch to electric power for vehicles Consider introducing electric vehicles (EV) when replacing vehicles Monitor number of electric vehicles
Reduction of CO2 in transportation Grasp transportation energy per unit in nominal production Monitor transportation energy per unit

Recycling-Oriented Society

Creation of a Resource-Recycling Oriented Society

Activity Targets Activities for Promotion FY2022 Targets FY2023 Targets FY2024 Targets
Improvement of efficiency in use of resources Improvement of waste generation per unit (compared to FY2010) 35.1% or more 37.0% or more 38.1% or more
Improvement of rate of effective use of plastic waste 98.7% or more 98.7% or more 98.8% or more
Transition to circular economy Reduce use of virgin materials and create resource recycling businesses by promoting "5 R's" ・Monitor proportion of use by recycled material in products
・Monitor proportion of products that give consideration to improved efficiency in use of resources during design
Reduction in waste material Reduction of rate of landfill disposal of waste 0.13% or less 0.13% or less 0.12% or less

* Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair, Rethink

Creation of a Water-Recycling Oriented Society

Activity Targets Activities for Promotion FY2022 Targets FY2023 Targets FY2024 Targets
Improvement of efficiency in use of water Improvement of water consumption per unit
(compared to FY2010)
49.0% or more 48.9% or more 49.5% or more

Society in Harmony with Nature

Management of Chemical Substances

Activity Targets Activities for Promotion FY2022 Targets FY2023 Targets FY2024 Targets
Reduction in emissions of chemical substances Reduction in atmospheric emissions of chemical substances per unit
(compared to FY2010)
59.8% or more 58.5% or more 60.6% or more

Ecosystem Conservation

Activity Targets Activities for Promotion FY2022 Targets FY2023 Targets FY2024 Targets
Contribution to ecosystem conservation Promotion of ecosystem conservation activity headings Number of activities implemented
Number of activities implemented
Number of activities implemented

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