Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD)
Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD)

Technologically Advanced Silicon Drift Detector

Vortex®-ME16 Silicon Drift Detector (SDD)
Vortex® silicon drift detectors are a range of high quality and technology leading x-ray detectors. The Vortex®-ME16 is a 16-sensor silicon drift detector, designed to improve solid angle for enhanced detection efficiency and throughput. The ME16 is compatible with UHV environments and able to place the sensors very close to samples, generating superior solid angles.

Vortex®-ES4 Silicon Drift Detector (SDD)
Vortex® Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs) are a range of high-quality and technology-leading x-ray detectors. The Vortex®-ES4 is a 4-sensor silicon drift detector, designed to improve solid angle for enhanced detection efficiency and throughput. The ES4 is compatible with UHV environments and able to place the sensors very close to samples, generating superior solid angles.

Vortex® Silicon Drift Detector
This detector features:
•No liquid Nitrogen (LN2)
•Very small loss in energy resolution and minimal peak shift with count rate
•Typically applied for X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy
•Single active area (30-80 mm2) available of its kind

Vortex®-60EX Silicon Drift Detector
This detector features:
•No liquid Nitrogen (LN2)
•Very small loss in energy resolution and minimal peak shift with count rate
•Typically applied for X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy
•Single active area (30-80 mm2) available of its kind
•Extended probe (50 mm)

Vortex®-90EX Silicon Drift Detector
This detector features:
•No liquid Nitrogen (LN2)
•Very small loss in energy resolution and minimal peak shift with count rate
•Typically applied for X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy
•Single active area (30-80 mm2) available of its kind
•Extended probe (60 mm)

Vortex®-EM Silicon Drift Detector
Detector has features as follows:
•No liquid Nitrogen (LN2)
•Very small loss in energy resolution and minimal peak shift with count rate
•Typically applied for Synchrotron radiation applications
•Single active area (30-80 mm2) available of its kind
•Extended probe (300 mm)

Vortex®-EZ Silicon Drift Detector
This detector features:
•No liquid Nitrogen (LN2)
•Very small loss in energy resolution and minimal peak shift with count rate
•Typically applied for X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy
•Single active area (30-80 mm2) available of its kind

Vortex®-ME3 Silicon Drift Detector
This detector features:
•Large area, three-element silicon drift detector (90 mm² - 150 mm²)
•No liquid Nitrogen (LN2)
•Very small loss in energy resolution and minimal peak shift with count rate
•Typically applied for Synchrotron radiation applications
•Extended probe (300 mm - 600 mm)

Vortex®-ME4 Silicon Drift Detector
Detector has features as follows:
•Large area, four-element silicon drift detector (total 120 mm2 - 200 mm2)
•No liquid Nitrogen (LN2)
•Very small loss in energy resolution and minimal peak shift with count rate
•Typically applied for Synchrotron radiation applications
•Extended probe (300 mm - 600 mm)

Vortex®-ME7 Silicon Drift Detector
Vortex®-ME7 SDD is a seven-element silicon drift detector (SDD) X-ray detection system with a total active area of 210 mm2 - 350 mm2 with a probe diameter of only 1.5” (38.1 mm). The Vortex®-ME7 offers superior energy resolution and high-throughput performance to enhance the total analytical performance of the X-ray spectrometry system.