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Single wafer type ion beam etching machine
Product information of Single wafer type ion beam etching machine.

Batch type ion beam etching machine
Product information of Batch type ion beam etching machine.

Batch Type Wet Station
Our system has batch type cleaning ,resist stripping and etching potions. All processes from chemical cleaning to dryer are fully automated.

Spin Processor (MSP-1)
This spin processor is suitable for R&D and small production. All processes from chemical process to dryer are in one cup.

Multi Spin Processor (MSP-2)
Multi spin processor is suitable for mass production and Multi complex process.

Focused Ion Beam Systems (FIB/FIB-SEM)
Introduction of Focused Ion Beam Systems (FIB/FIB-SEM)

Polarized Zeeman Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer ZA3000 Series
Never Ending Evolution of Hitachi Zeeman Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer ! ZA3000 series developed to meet user’s needs is a new elemental analysis instrument which employs the technology unachievable by other atomic absorption spectrophotometers so as to enhance the functionality and reliability while preserving the basic performance of the polarized Zeeman atomic absorption spectrophotometer, such as high accuracy and high sensitivity.

HPLC OEM Solution
We offer you HPLC modules with outstanding performance, robust and easy-to-use. And we are flexible to customize modules upon your idea. If you are interested in it, feel free to contact us.

High Performance Liquid Chromatographs (HPLC) / Amino Acid Analyzers (AAA)
Introduction of High Performance Liquid Chromatographs (HPLC) / Amino Acid Analyzers (AAA)

Thermal Desorption MS (Screening Device for Phthalates) HM1000A
In July 2019, an amendment to the RoHS directive will add 4 phthalates to the list of restricted substances. These 4 chemicals are widely used for insulated coating materials, electrical insulation tapes and packing films. The HM1000A is a dedicated instrument designed for fast, easy, on-site screening of phthalates. In addition to easy operation, the HM1000A features high-throughput testing that achieves automated analysis of 50 samples in approximately 8 hours.