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Hitachi High-Tech

Social contributions and science education support for affected areas

Fukushima-Kawamata, Tomita Elementary School, Fukuda Elementary School

In collaboration with Mr Hatamura, head of Hatamura Institue for the Advancement of Technology, lessons will once again be delivered this year to Elementary schools in Kawamata-machi, Fukushima, where they have been held since 2014 as part of disaster relief.
The science class using Tabletop Electron Microscope(TM3030) was carried out jointly with homeroom teachers for 6th graders of Tomita elementary school and 5th and 6th graders of Fukude elementary school.
The samples were wooden chopsticks, a gauze and corrugated cardboard at Tomita elementary school on May 24. Observation picture was compared with light microscopy, after that the sample a student wishes is observed.At Tomita elementary school on May 24th, samples of wooden chopsticks, a gauze and corrugated cardboard before and after burning were observed on both optical microscopes and on the Miniscope® and the results were compared.
Then on May 25th, Fukude elementary school focused on observations of silk fabrics which are a locally produced specialty as well as the yeast and bacteria from fabrics and fermented food products and local minerals. The serious approach and careful attention paid by the children at both schools left a very strong impression.

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