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Hitachi High-Tech

Spring Holiday Remote Electron Microscope Event held at Science Café Itami

Lustre Hall , Hyogo Prefecture

Since 2008, the Science Café Itami has provided a place for the people of Itami city to enjoy and embrace science as a part of their culture. On March 28th a three-way remote connection was made between Hitachi High-Tech Gead Office, Kansai Branch Office and Lustre Hall in Itami city in order to hold a two-part science event.

The first part of the lesson aimed at elementary school students, included a fun quiz and time for the children to remotely operate a microscope located at Hitachi High-Tech headquarters.

In the second part, aimed at older children and adults, a lesson on the evolution of organisms using images from the electron microscope was held.

After the lesson we received positive feedback from participants who thanked us for showing them something new and for explaining difficult concepts in an easy-to-understand way.

Children and their parents enjoying a Microscopy quiz
Children and their parents enjoying a Microscopy quiz

Children operating the electron microscope remotely
Children operating the electron microscope remotely

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