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Hitachi High-Tech

Science Outreach Class for Children and Parents at Ibaraki Municipality Nagaoka Elementary School

Ibaraki Municipality Nagaoka Elementary School

A remote science outreach class was held on Wednesday October 12 for 58 fifth-graders at Ibaraki Municipality Nagaoka Elementary School and their parents or guardians.

As an example of how electron microscope technology is put to practical use, the children pondered the mysteries of yogurt lids with their parents or guardians, and each group tried their hand at operating the electron microscope remotely. There were exclamations of wonder when objects such as an ant or a mechanical pencil lead appeared in micro form on the screen they operated manually.

Feedback in the survey after the event included “I was amazed how it was a completely different shape when magnified,” and “I want to have a look at even more things.” The teaching staff told us, “The children had just studied electron microscope images of pollen in their science class so this was a great opportunity to boost their interest even more.”

Hitachi High-Tech will continue utilizing our products to provide opportunities that support children’s desire to learn.

Children and their parents & guardians learning about the electron microscope
Children and their parents & guardians learning about the electron microscope

The children did a great job at operating the electron microscope
The children did a great job at operating the electron microscope

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