Metrics and Targets
Metrics and Targets
In the Hitachi Group, we manage our efforts with metrics and targets which are defined in the Environmental Action Plan and updated every three years. These are aligned with the Environmental Vision and the long-term environmental targets in the Hitachi Environmental Innovation 2050. We also manage other types of metrics and targets which are renewed every three years in this Environmental Action Plan. These metrics measure and manage risks and opportunities associated with climate change while the targets show our goal to pursue.
The targets that the Hitachi Environmental Innovation 2050 sets for working toward a decarbonized society are shown below.
Hitachi Environmental Innovation 2050
- Long-term targets (FY2050) for Hitachi High-Tech Group (the Group) business activities
- Achieve carbon neutrality throughout our value chain as a whole
- Medium-term targets (FY2030) for the Group business activities
- Reduce CO2 emissions by 50% throughout our value chain as a whole (relative to FY2010))
- Achieve carbon neutrality of business sites (factories and offices)
Based on the context above, we set the following medium- and long-term targets by means of the Group's Environmental Action Plan, managed by the Environmental Committee.
Medium- and Long-Term Targets of the Hitachi High-Tech Group
- Achieve carbon neutrality at business sites (factories and offices) by 2027 by promoting energy-saving activities, by using renewable energy, and by other such means
- By providing environmentally friendly products and services, achieve the target of 50% reduction in CO2 emissions (relative to FY2010) throughout our value chain in FY2030 and achieve carbon neutrality in FY2050.
For more details of plans and results, please refer the following: