Environmental Collaboration with Stakeholders
At Hitachi High-Tech Group, we are working to promote communication with our stakeholders through information disclosure regarding environmental activities and staff participation in volunteer activities etc.
Basic Approach
We consider it important at Hitachi High-Tech Group to give our stakeholders an even more readily understandable explanation than before of the effects our own business activities have on the environment. We also think it crucial that we earn an understanding and empathetic response from stakeholders by continuing the cumulative two-way communication of our employees' volunteer activities.
Environmental Communication
Our Group is working to promote communication with our stakeholders through information disclosure by issuing Materiality Book and disclosing environmental information online, allowing business site visits and observations, and responding to external surveys. In addition, environmental sections are created during the Naka Area Midsummer Festival (the business site is opened to the public to deepen relationships with local residents). At the environment section, we deepen relationships through introducing our environmental conservation activities and conduct an environment quiz.

Please refer to the following page for Group company websites.
Global Citizenship Activities
Here at Hitachi High-Tech Group, we engage in environmental conservation activities through our business activities.
Please refer to Communities for details about these initiatives.